Expansion Journeys

at the new moon

The "Expansion Journeys" are a monthly offering for growth via a guided journey. Birthed within an animistic tradition where all things have a spirit and we can communicate and learn from them, the guided adventure is very much like a guided shamanic journey but as it requires no experience - it is akin too, to a guided meditation. Each one is a transmission meant to bring the adventurer into resonance with their soul paths and desires. They carry a resonance that invites the adventurer to attune to it, and in that attuning, to evolve/uplevel… to become more aware, more expanded, more healed, less blocked… and more in touch with their personal power and medicine. They are held at the new moon as it is a ripe time to step into expansion. 

Always optional, there are companion pieces to the expansion journeys. Suggestions for integration into your life, ways to help the expansion land, root, and grow. At times these are very practical suggestions and at others they are are more alchemical and even witchy. It is always to your comfort level and in alignment with your cosmology. One particularly poignant ritual that matches well with the deep dive expansion journeys is creating a <new> moon mandala for yourself for healing and for manifestation in partnership with the natural cycles of the moon. 

They are held via Zoom with recording available for a period after the live gathering for asynchronous participation. Currently, these Expansion Journeys / Rituals for Expansion are re-organizing into 3 month containers where you get to be a part of a private substack group, receive prompts to help deepen the work experienced, have group mentorship calls, and receive ritual suggestions for related purposes.

The next Expansion Workshop is beginning February 4th and meeting for February, March, & April. Please visit Workshops for more information. 

"We can uncover the shadow, 

break limiting beliefs,

Cast ourselves forward in great relief,

Shift unsavory patterns within our lives

& to call to us, new allies that help us thrive…"

-Melissa Willowhawk



Monthly Expansion Journey has TRANSFORMED into a seasonal 3-month Workshop 

 February - March - April 

Begins February 4th.

3 Guided Expansion Journeys + Group Mentorship Calls + Virtual private community + Integration & Rituals

LINK to learn more and sign up.

I do offer private Manifestation & Healing Mandala appointments as well because sometimes things feel more complex and you could benefit from a working session together for clarity. It is held within the context of a Shamanic Appointment.

Please reach out to Melissa at willowhawkmedicine@gmail.com to sign up for the class!